Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ideas For Programming September 10th

Well im thinking hard on what i can program, I took a Programming class this trimester and i am thinking what i can do to make something everyone can use and enjoy. Today in Visual Basic programming, im going to ask Mr. Mays if its possible to use Microsoft Virtual Studios to design a game like program for a start for my grad project. After reading a few articals and looking at different code, its seems i need to get some ideas on what i can do. i want to program a game that can be educational and help people in need with mathmatics and/or reading. Its just a start but I will use my past programming skills from ProjectFun with DigiPen and my current programming class to advance on my Video Game Programming career.


1. Make a simple mathmatic program that can help people understand the basics of mathmatics (like a calculator or a learning program).

2. Program a Reading interface program that helps those who need help with spelling and or grammer in their writting.

3. Make a small game that is great for passing time.

This is just a start I plan on making huge and more enjoyable games as i grow into the industry.

I could use a program called RPG maker that helps people make a game basied off their ideas and imagination. I'm thinking of looking on the internet and finding a suitable program that i can use to help me with my project and display my skills in Programming.

I need to see if Mrs. Savido would accept it before i can do anything of the sort.

Comment please =P


Daniel Hogue said...

If you use RPQ Maker, then you are screwed. That thing is good and all but you don't exactly learn anything for programming things or designing anything because everything is already there. The idea is that you should make a game on your own. Suggested program C++

Daniel Hogue said...

Also, you liek mudkips?

James Phillips said...