Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Time and Work

My topic is a little hard to understand and it requires lots of research I admit i'm slacking off a little but im still focused on what I want to do in order to understand a game you have to play them and discover glitches or bugs that are in the game, that some people would never see.
What I learned in my research is that although some games are fun a majority of them have glitches or bugs that normally shouldnt be inputed into the game. The most common I believe is the wall glitch. its a common bug that sometimes when you walk into walls your actor or charactor has his/her arm into the wall and sometimes can see past the wall. some cases you can even fall through the wall causing you to fall endlessly unless the programmers made a floor in case that does happen. When you are on a tight scedual some programmers cant put in ever detail that the game needs and then the debuggers or game testers play the games over and over seeing whats glitched or buggy. Aside from bugs, another thing I learned is that when you are programming the most common program that the programmer uses is something called SDK or a Software Development Kit. What this allows you to do is basically save software in a SDK file that allows for later use or reuse when you continue your programming career. An example of a SDK file is DirectX, DirectX is a Basic SDK file and is used commonly among most games/programmers. With Visual Basic you can make a webgame which I think is perfect for this graduation project. If I can make a webgame then anyone in this school can play THAT IS WHAT IM GOING TO DO!!! I finally know what I am going to make, a Web Game that everyone can play. This is perfect wish I would have thought of it sooner...

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